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Estimated market size of global fuel cell technology by 2028


Estimated market size of the MCFC technology in 2024


Amount of global CO₂ emissions from fossil fuels and industry in 2023


Estimated amount of investment needed to reach net zero by 2050
Report summary

Fuel cells are heralded as one of the cleanest energy sources because they convert fuels like hydrogen and natural gas directly into electricity, bypassing the internal combustion process that generates smog and other pollutants.

Molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) design is a particular t ype of fuel cell technology that can capture industrial CO2 emissions while generating electricity and hydrogen. This technology is versatile, providing power for various applications, including transportation, industrial, commercial and residential buildings, and long-term energy storage for the grid in reversible systems.

Despite its potential, the technology has not yet seen widespread adoption. A successful pilot plant run by Esso Nederland BV, an ExxonMobil affiliate, with FuelCell Energy, could accelerate the commercialisation of MCFC design.

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The transformation of the world’s energy system offers a unique opportunity for economic growth, with the energy sector driving global advancement.

ADIPEC’s Energy in Context series presents high-value briefs and case studies that showcase progress, foster dialogue and fast-track innovation to accelerate the energy transition.

The series explores key pillars driving the industry’s transformative journey towards a secure, equitable, and sustainable energy future.

Key pillars of ADIPEC

Decarbonising today’s energy systems
Energy, economic growth and emissions
Financing a just, orderly and equitable transition
Financing innovation in energy systems
Synergies between energy and AI, technology
Navigating the energy transition talent gap

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