Under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates

تحت رعاية صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن زايد آل نهيان، رئيس دولة الامارات العربية المتحدة

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Amount of investment in clean energy in Japan in 2022


Percentage of energy sourced from fossil fuels in Asia


Amount committed to be raised by Japanese government through investments over 10 years


Investments needed to support Japan’s green transformation strategy
Case study summary

Asia’s shift toward sustainability carries profound global significance. As the source of about two-thirds of global growth in 2023, the region’s heavy dependence on coal has made it a major contributor to harmful greenhouse gas emissions. Addressing this issue is crucial for achieving global climate goals.

Paramount to making progress on the continent’s net-zero targets is addressing Asia’s climate finance shortfall -- estimated at around US$800 billion. Within the Asian climate investment context, Japan stands out as a rare beacon of progress and potential. Investing in Japan’s renewable energy sector not only supports the country’s energy transition but also presents a prime opportunity for global long-term capital and access to regional economies.

In this context, the US$474 million investment by CDPQ, a global investment group, in collaboration with Japan’s Shizen Energy, represents a pivotal development. This investment aims to accelerate the energy transition in Japan and key international markets and marks CDPQ’s inaugural direct infrastructure investment in Japan.

Organisations involved: CDPQ, Shizen Energy

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The transformation of the world’s energy system offers a unique opportunity for economic growth, with the energy sector driving global advancement.

ADIPEC’s Energy in Context series presents high-value briefs and case studies that showcase progress, foster dialogue and fast-track innovation to accelerate the energy transition.

The series explores key pillars driving the industry’s transformative journey towards a secure, equitable, and sustainable energy future.

Decarbonising today’s energy systems
Energy, economic growth and emissions
Financing a just, orderly and equitable transition
Financing innovation in energy systems
Synergies between energy and AI, technology
Navigating the energy transition talent gap

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